How to make money fast at home? (part 1)

 Best ways to make money fast on the Internet:

Who are freelancers?

These are people who are not ready to spend two hours a day on the way to the office and back, who do not agree to listen to the idiotic orders of their superiors, sober on Friday night and sleep on Monday morning in their beds - as long as they want.
No, they are not lazy people with low social responsibility, on the contrary - these citizens work hard and selflessly. It's freelancers - those who used to spend time not in the office, but preferred to work at home. Why not? Freelancer chose work not "for his uncle" or a corporation for the trade in genetically modified cases for smartphones, but for himself.
In the West, the more correct and broader name of this social group of people - self-employed. In Western countries,
every possible indulgence for self-employed citizens, because such citizens do not require state unemployment benefits, they do not need to create expensive jobs - they have already devised a remote job at home, found and created their own workplace themselves.

Freelancer - a person who performs for the reward of some work to order. Under this social category, there are both stove-makers with artists and mummies who are engaged in nail art at home, but still freelancers usually call those whose work is somehow connected with the Internet - people for whom remote work at home has become main.

How to become a freelancer and how to make money?

Let's be frank: very many people become freelancers (often - very successful!) Due to circumstances, not by their own will and not from a good life. The reasons are simple, like the corner of the house and numerous, like the sand on the beach of Goa: it is maternity leave, long unemployment and lack of money, the inability to realize one's abilities within the company or within the corporate work regime, the inability to build communication with colleagues (any and all), hatred To the morning train - yes anything!
There are two ways to freedom and work at home. The first way , as follows from the above, is to get pregnant (not everyone is suitable), publicly poison your favorite fish in the chief's aquarium, catch at an important Pokemon meeting and so on.
The second way to remote work on the Internet is more complicated, it takes time and effort. You need to know yourself, soberly assess their professional qualities, personal merits and demerits.

The second way requires utmost honesty with oneself and readiness to take risks, destroy the habitual way of life. It is always dangerous to start a free voyage, and in 99% of cases, at first it is associated with a decrease in incomes, a decrease in the social status, a change in the rhythm of life. You are ready? And your relatives?

There is a third way . Often a good specialist in his spare time starts "hustling on the side". Sometimes it happens that the income from freelance activity begins to exceed the salary and then a simple question is asked: Is it time for "free bread", that is, for freelancing? Adyu, colleagues, corporate dress code and shoddy coffee from the grunting coffee machine!

5 necessary things, without which in freelancing do not survive

1.       A burning desire to succeed, courage and courage.
2.       Self-discipline . There are no more bosses over you. So, you must take yourself into the gloves and strictly adhere to the terms of execution of any order, otherwise you will not have customers.
How and where to earn money, to build your working day (or night) - solves each individually, but indulgences can not be here. In practice freelancers work much longer than the usual 8-hour working day in the "office". Laziness is the worst enemy of a freelancer!
3.       Professionalism . Here without comment: you should strive to reach the expert level in your business, as far as possible. Over time, you will not chase orders, and customers will ask you to take work.
4.       Since most freelancers make money  fast from the computer and the world wide web, you must have the appropriate hardware and competencies .
For designers, a professional monitor and the last official version of a Photoshop are important, for a copy writing - a mechanical keyboard, for all - perfect ownership of the profile software and good Internet speed.
5.       Convenient workplace, silence, walking outdoors or exercise, positive perception of the world, understanding of loved ones. Without it, nothing at all.

Choose a specialization: what can you earn?

The easiest way is to do what you already know how to do and continuously improve your professional skills, learn new every day to become even more popular in the market for professionals and sell your services as much as possible.
Well and how it is possible to earn on a freelance to beginners or people, whose labor specialty is far from the Internet? You need to choose that specialization, then the business that you like.
Work on freelancing should be loved, you should be happy to watch the awakening of the monitor from hibernation after turning on.

Only an enthusiastic person is able to easily develop a motivation for moving forward! To earn on real work on the Internet it is possible in any narrow sphere - about it below. The main thing - the desire to become a professional in the chosen field and the desire to learn, including on their own mistakes.

If you want to more, see next Post part 2