How to Make Money on YouTube? 6 Proven Ways

Make Money

 How to Make Money:

How else to make money on YouTube, if you already earn on the Internet?
To get the most out of the project, you need to use all possible channels of contact with the client. Luckily, business on the Internet gives us a broad scope of opportunities.
Have you already viewed YouTube as an additional source of revenue? Or maybe you are already waiting for a huge stream of easy money, laying out the first video on your channel?
Of course, big expectations are justified by serious statistics: YouTube has more than one billion unique users per month - it's a huge audience.
But still there are more reliable and proven ways to make money on YouTube than just waiting.
Here are the 6 most effective:

1. Attracting traffic to a blog or website.

To start earning on YouTube, start creating your own channel. I'm very serious.
That’s not matter what niche you have; you sell knowledge or physical goods. Even if you have an online store, I will suggest you to make a video with reviews for your online store. Your task is to create "your atmosphere" and win the trust of a potential client. Do not make a video for just "buy, buy, buy". It should be really necessary information for a potential audience. When a person gets to your channel, where the sea is steep, free information, its confidence bar automatically increases. As a result, it is easier for him to decide on a purchase. That's exactly what happened with the Genius Marketing channel. Many of our customers buy after they have been studying the video for a while on the channel.

2. Promotion of the product through video

No, Captain Obvious did not settle me. I'll explain now.
For example, you wrote a book. Record a short video: a greeting, a very brief presentation and 2 chapters of the book in your reading. At the end of the video, do not forget the call to action and the link by which a person can go and purchase the product.
It also works with any other product. Show the first 2 videos of your training. Of course, such selling video should be streamed with useful free content.

3. Sale of products through the affiliate program.

Acting as a columnist or third-party expert, you can sell products of other companies or experts on partner programs, while receiving your commission. Doing such reviews, you kill three birds with one stone - increase your expertise, increase popularity by figuring out more famous names and earning money.

4. Creating your own show

Do you like telling stories? YouTube lets you create your own web shows. You are limited only by imagination and budget. You can create a series of educational, comedy, cognitive reality shows. Remember that YouTube limits the video length to 15 minutes. To upload longest videos, you will need to raise your limit.
So you can earn extra money on advertising.

At the moment there are 4 ways to earn money on advertising:
1. Placement of links to the customer's site in the description of the video. The prime condition that must be clearly audited is that such advertising should assemble to the theme of the video.
2. Placement of contextual advertising Google Adsense in video. This is a text message, which is shown for a while most often at the bottom of the video. To display ads, you must need an account in Adsense, where you need to approve the display of this kind of information.
3. Placement of banner ads on the channel page. The size of such advertising is 300Ñ…250. Payments are made either per click or per thousand impressions.
4. Placement of commercials before or after the video. This kind is paid only if the user views 30 seconds of the commercial.

5. Monetize the video for the YouTube Partner Program.

Did you create good videos? You can start earning with YouTube on their affiliate program. All you need to do is to comprise the channel in the monetization program. So you can get your share of YouTube's revenue from advertising. In addition, like any bright personality YouTube, you can earn on every thousand views.
The first step to monetization is the confirmation of the channel. You can do it here.

6. Checking the product for "genius" and raising funds.

YouTube is an amazing resource. It opens up huge opportunities for market research.

For example, you came up with a brilliant concept, a product that, as you are sure, will defeat millions. Excellent! Now, shoot some videos. Tell us about your concept, model it. The first thing you need is to pay attention to the comments. So you can easily understand how the idea is actually brilliant. Second, if the idea is really interesting, you can start collecting pre-orders and prepayments, which can be put into the implementation of the idea, and in the future also earn good money.

I hope this article will be helpful for you to make money on YouTube.
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